Secure Remote Access – AWS Client VPN & Endpoint Deployment

Introduction AWS Client VPN is a managed client-based VPN service that enables end-users to securely access your AWS resources. With Client VPN, you can access your resources from any location using an OpenVPN-based VPN client. Overview Create VPC VPCa. Navigate to VPC Consoleb. Create a VPCc. Provide a name for this VPCd. Enter an IPV4 …

Site to Site AWS VPN – Using Only Windows Servers

Introduction Do you rely solely on Windows servers in your environment and lack access to third-party networking equipment? Are you looking to establish a site-to-site VPN connection to your AWS environment but unsure how to do so with your existing setup? If so, fear not, because it’s possible to achieve this with just a Windows …

AWS Site-to-Site VPN with Azure

AWS and Azure Configuration with Terraform Introduction Silos cannot function in the modern world. Interoperability is crucial for successful businesses and as much as one may want, a truly homogenous environment is hard to come by. In our everyday demands, all of us experience the urgent necessity to quickly establish communication across various technological environments …